Securing Your Business on Black Friday/Cyber Monday

As the biggest shopping days approach, with over $20 billion in combined sales last year, your business faces lucrative opportunities and heightened cyber threats. Learn essential strategies to fortify your defenses, especially during Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

A man sits behind a desk with a laptop with a black friday sales ad popping out of the screen. The man has a worried look.

As the biggest shopping days approach, with over $20 billion in combined sales last year, your business faces lucrative opportunities and heightened cyber threats. Learn essential  strategies to fortify your defenses, especially during Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

In 2022, Black Friday sales topped $9 billion. Cyber Monday sales surpassed that at over $11 billion. Worldwide, these represent two  of the biggest shopping days of the year. Although that could be good for your business coffers, at the same time the traffic volume represents an opportunity for cybercriminals.

The shopping spike sees businesses handling more credit card numbers and confidential data. That's lucrative for the bad actors behind ransomware, malware, and      phishing attacks.


You must follow cyber standards year-round when handling online payments and personal data, yet Black Friday and Cyber Monday require proactive measures to      protect your business.

Be Ready for Ransomware

Ransomware is already on the rise. Don't get caught off guard with your IT and security teams enjoying time off during the holidays. Set up reliable autonomous      security to protect against the disruption of these attacks.

Other proactive measures to support cybersecurity resilience include:

  • establishing reliable data backups to enable data restoration and cut productivity loss;
  • segmenting your networks to prevent an attack from spreading throughout your IT environment;
  • limiting access, giving  users only the bare access permissions they need to get work done.

Set up Monitoring

Stopping attackers from getting into business systems is increasingly difficult, but that doesn't mean you have to allow breaches to happen. Instead, focus on      monitoring online activity and identifying threatening behavior.

Take advantage of machine learning and artificial intelligence (ML/AI) solutions. These use strategic intelligence to continuously analyze and evaluate potential      threats. They can watch your networks and endpoints for intrusion and malware attacks.

Reduce attack vectors

Cybercriminals need access to your IT environment to attack successfully. They can use social engineering, compromised passwords, or unpatched systems to get  in. It doesn't help that most businesses have an expanding attack surface. Your digital footprint grows with cloud-based systems and Internet of Things (IoT) tools. Plus, some employees bring their own devices to work.

Take the following      steps to reduce hacking risks:

  • Audit your security environment.
  • Identify vulnerabilities.
  • Lock down user permissions.
  • Confirm your encryption protocols are robust and secure.
  • Restrict direct access to infrastructure such as database servers.
  • Use multi-factor authentication.
  • Install software patches  to ensure you're not running out-of-date software.

Train Your Employees

Remind employees of increased risk as hackers leverage their fervor for bargains. They offer "great deals" to social engineer people into falling for  scams.

encourage your employees to do any online shopping on their personal devices. This can reduce the risk of them inadvertently exposing your network to attackers.

Educate Yourself

These four days of online sales can make your business busier than ever. Still, keep an eye out for new information about fraud and vulnerabilities. Join industry      groups, add news alerts, and keep channels open to stay informed about emerging threats and prevention strategies.

Fortify Your Business for eCommerce

Cut the risk of  fraudulent activities with these strategies and tactics. We can help you protect your IT, prevent attacks, and respond to threats. Contact Borked PC today at 610-599-6195